Monday, July 7, 2014

tick tock tick tock


Dear Baby, a lot of things has happened to mummy lately. i am restless, tired, feeling stupid, agitated, imbalance, drained.. all physically and mentally suffocating. i think a lot has happened since i am carrying you.

No baby, i have no intention to blame you at all. Don't get me wrong.

It's just me. I think this is just one of many ways Allah speaks to me. As a reminder. As a kaffarah for mistakes that I've committed in the past.

In a way, i am thankful for all these tests from Him. It makes me closer to reality every second.

And if my time has come, i have nothing to be regret for.

For i am a human, and i do make mistake. Dear baby, never afraid to admit whenever you have committed a mistake. What more important is, you learn from it and accept it as part and parcel path to be a better person.

And always be good to your walid. He is forever answerable to whatever you do.

Few weeks left.

i cant wait.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers