Yesterday I feel like my nipple being pricked by needles. At home, I try to massage my breast like I used to for this few months and suddenly a thick liquid appears from my nipple. I was shouting in shock to your walid. Then when I have calm down and digest the situation, I come to conclusion that it is the so called breast milk.
Baby, this is the first time milk is finding its way out from the breast and I am so excited. Alhamdulillah, this is a good sign that I can breastfeed (bf) you.
And as excited I am, I started to google on how early I can pump my breast milk to get ready with your milk stock. Sadly, I didn't find any definite answers....yet. It's ok, I'll keep that in mind and to ask my midwife next time i see him.
My only findings is that the thick liquid comes from my breast is not actually milk. It is called colostrum, and it is good for baby's immunisation system. Few days after the delivery, the colostrum will change to milk.
So, I wonder, if I pump it now, would I only be pumping for colostrum, or in a few days after I pump it will change into milk, and thus my baby will not get the colostrum.... hmmm.... question question question...
Till then, I will keep on doing my research.